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Our History

The International University Theatre Association was established at the initiative of the University Theatre of Liège (Belgium) in 1994 to develop and promote recognized post-secondary activity in theatre training, creation, research and theoretical and practical research, throughout the world, at the level of university or higher studies. The IUTA is present in every continent and has members in over fifty countries.​

The IUTA is a unique forum where teachers, practitioners, creators, scholars and theorists can share discoveries and discuss common concerns.

Our Mission

Designed by and for people from universities and other types of post-secondary learning institutions, the IUTA is a unique forum where teachers, practitioners, creators, scholars and theorists can share discoveries and discuss common concerns. The IUTA provides a space for both exchanges and services (through the presence of festival organizers), and is open to all members of the academic community with an interest in theatre. The IUTA holds a World Congress every two years.

Our Goals

The mission of the IUTA is:


  • Asserting the specificity of theatre at university.

  • Developing solidarity and cooperation between university theatres around the world.

  • Structuring exchanges among the different members and establishing regular communication among them.

The Issues

  • Relationships between university theatre and education

  • Relationships between university theatre, vocational theatre and amateur theatre

  • Relationships between university theatre and authorities

  • Repertoire and audience(s)

  • Acting and method(s)

  • The university theatrical practices and university theatrical research

  • The worldwide network of theatre at university

Our Mission

The Charter of Liège

The aim of the international Association of University Theatres is to develop and promote university theatre worldwide. ‘University theatre’, in this context, means any theatrical activity carried out within higher and tertiary education institutions, as training, creative or research activities, either theoretical or practical.

Aware of the role theatre plays in fostering dialogue and understanding between cultures, the association promotes exchanges and collaboration between university theatres (be it spontaneous student theatre, assisted, vocational or professional work) as well as contacts with amateur and professional theatres.

The association, rich in its diversity, will not tolerate political, national, linguistic, racial, religious, sexual or any other kind of discrimination.

Founded on the principle of solidarity and cooperation the IUTA is an independent network open equally to all its members according to their individual circumstances.

Adopted on February 19th, 1994 by the representatives of eleven institutions during the conference on the theme of university theatre within the framework of the eleventh International University Theatre Meeting (RITU 11) in Liège 

The Founding Members

Alain CHEVALIER, Liège (B)

Georg FRANKE, Köln (D)

Lucile GARBAGNATI, Besançon (F)

Robert GERMAY, Liège (B)

Jean-Marc LARRUE, Valleyfield (CND)

Anna LAZOU, Athènes (GR)

Krzysztof LIPSKI, Cracovie (P)

Philippe ROUYER, Bordeaux (F)

Claude SCHUMACHER, Glasgow (GB)

Louis THENON, Québec (CND)

Joséphine VAN ES, Amsterdam (NL)

Ouriel ZOHAR, Haïfa (ISR)

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IUTA-AITU Presidency 

Alain Chevalier

Théâtre Universitaire

Royal de Liège

Université de Liège Quai Roosevelt 1b B-4000 Liège



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