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Forum Call FITU XX 2024

The Department of Arts at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico, and the Latin American Network of University Theater Creation and Research (Red CITU), through the Bachelor's Program in Dramatic Arts, the Master's Program in Theory and Practice of Performing Arts, and the Academic Research Group Arte, Teoría y Práctica, invite participation in the


To be held from September 25 to 27, 2024 (in-person modality)

Theme: "Stage Direction in the Context of Postmodern Influences and Paradigms"


Research-Creation and Theoretical-Methodological Foundations in Stage Direction

Tools and Working Elements

Direction and Pedagogy

Direction and Creative Teams

Dramaturgies, Poetics, and New Trends in Stage Direction

Practices of Stage Direction in Cyberspace

Projects, Inter-institution Networks, and Collaboration.

With the purpose of extending spaces for research-creation.

Facultad de Artes BUAP.

Dirección: Reserva Territorial Atlixcàyotl, Cùmulo de Virgo s/n.

Ciudad: Puebla

Provincia del estado: Puebla

Código postal: 72000

País: México

The general theme of the scholarly research presented in this book is framed

by the objectives of our series dedicated to University Theatre, which studies

the wide range of theatre pedagogy, creation, research, and the management

of performance activities, processes, and meetings. It addresses theatre activities,

both student and professional, developed under the umbrella of the

university system. The creative research processes that take place in classrooms,

in student groups, or in professional companies sponsored by these institutions

are guided by university principles and by the knowledge of theatre

practice and study.


Table of Contents / Table des matières / Tabla de contenidos

Part I / Partie I / Parte I

Programs Responding to Change / Comment les

programmes réagissent face aux changements /

Programas respondiendo al cambio

Luigi Rasi et l’École Royale de Déclamation de Florence

(1882-1918). Relations inédites entre théâtre, culture et

institutions académiques

by Leonardo Mancini

Mise-en-scène technique in Moscow Open Student

Theatre’s productions

by Anatoly Safronikhin

Le Théâtre Universitaire Liégeois de 1941 à 1983. Les

premiers jalons de son institutionnalisation

by Alain Chevalier

El teatro en las políticas de cultura. Mirada desde la

universidad mexicana

by Elka Fediuk

Part II / Partie II / Parte II

Creative Research in Relation to Theory and

Teaching Methods / La recherche créative

en relation avec la théorie et les méthodes

d’enseignement / Investigación-creación

relacionada con teorías y pedagogía teatral

La otredad escénica en cuatro provincias argentinas

by Ana Seoane

Dramaturgismo - soporte conceptual de investigacióncreación

en la puesta en escena de Descripción de un

cuadro de Heiner Müller

by Grimanesa Madeleine Loayza Cabezas

The Crucial Body of Working

by Jacyan Castilho

Evolution of a Pedagogy: Holding Oneself Accountable

by David Hugo

Saber o no-saber, he aquí la cuestión. Reflexiones sobre

práctica artística e investigación universitaria

by Narcisco Telles

Edited by / Sous la direction de / Editado por

Maria S. Horne, Elka Fediuk, Dennis Beck, Dorothée Polanz

Foreword / Avant-propos / Prologo

Vito Minoia

We collectively condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing unprovoked aggression against the Ukrainian people.

We send a message of support and solidarity to our friends and colleagues working in theatre and universities in the Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and elsewhere who have been impacted by these events, or who are suffering due to their speaking out against these events.

We pledge to work pro-actively with Ukrainian theatre groups and those undertaking university theatre activities by reaching out to them and seeking communication and collaboration in the spirit of advocacy and encouragement.

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