Alejandro Finzi, our colleague, responsible of European literature studies at the Universidad Nacional de Comahue, passed away Sunday 22 August at the age of 70. We have lost a great world-class playwright. His plays were premiered not only in Argentina, but also in Europe and in various Latin American countries; as well as being translated into English, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, French, Italian.
His participation in the activities of International University Theatre is significant (from Liege in Belgium to San José in Costa Rica, from Urbino in Italy to many other contexts). We join with deep condolences to Laura, his wife, and to all his family.
In the attached pdf file (see below) the memories of Denis Delprat, Lucile Garbagnati, David Aguzzi.
"Thanks Alejandro for the values of the significant artistic work you leave us. The dignity with which you have lived represents a great example of humanity and civilization" (Vito Minoia - IUTA President)
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