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Updated: Jul 18, 2022

Alejandro Finzi, our colleague, responsible of European literature studies at the Universidad Nacional de Comahue, passed away Sunday 22 August at the age of 70. We have lost a great world-class playwright. His plays were premiered not only in Argentina, but also in Europe and in various Latin American countries; as well as being translated into English, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, French, Italian.

His participation in the activities of International University Theatre is significant (from Liege in Belgium to San José in Costa Rica, from Urbino in Italy to many other contexts). We join with deep condolences to Laura, his wife, and to all his family.

In the attached pdf file (see below) the memories of Denis Delprat, Lucile Garbagnati, David Aguzzi.

"Thanks Alejandro for the values of the significant artistic work you leave us. The dignity with which you have lived represents a great example of humanity and civilization" (Vito Minoia - IUTA President)

Download the file:

We are glad to inform you about the XVIII Teatralny Kufar International Festival of Student and Young Professional Theatres.

We plan to hold the festival 29 NOVEMBER - 4 DECEMBER in Minsk and we really hope that we will succeed.

We look forward to your APPLICATIONS! Send them to BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1!

All information about the festival and the conditions of participation can be found in the information letter by the link

According to sanitary and epidemiological situation, our festival will most likely be held in a HYBRID FORMAT. Some of the participating theatres will perform on stage, while others will show their program online.

And of course, the festival will be held in compliance with measures of epidemiological safety and social distancing

Updated: Jul 18, 2022

Zinaida Pasyutina

With deep sorrow we inform that on July 24, 2021, our respected colleague Zinaida Pasyutina passed away. She devoted more than 40 years to serving the drama arts and the university theatre. Her contribution in the becoming of Teatralny Kufar International Theatre Festival in Minsk, Belarus, is invaluable.

Zinaida Pasyutina, professor of the theatre department at the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts, but also an actress of theatre and cinema, was actively involved in creative, scientific, pedagogical and social activities.

In 1992, she founded a theatre studio "7 PAVERKH" with students and graduates of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts.

Professor Pasyutina took part in the World Theatre Congresses and conferences, held workshops and lectures not only in Belarus, but also abroad (Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, Switzerland, Belgium).

Students of Zinaida Pasyutina work in theatres in Belarus and abroad, lead theatre groups, act in films.

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IUTA-AITU Presidency 

Alain Chevalier


Théâtre Universitaire

Royal de Liège

Université de Liège Quai Roosevelt 1b B-4000 Liège



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