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Europelikula continues its run at the CCP Arthouse Cinema! Catch OLEG by Juris Kursietis on CCP Vimeo Channel this May for FREE.

Europelikula is under the CCP World Cinema Program that features festival films from European Union member countries, jointly curated by the Cultural Center of the Philippines and the European Union in the Philippines.

Link to the video: and use the promo code PRIDE.

Organization: IUTA Philippine Center / Cultural enter of the Philippines / National Commission for Culture and the Arts

Aenigma University theater of Urbino was awarded the International 3.0 Inclusion Award. The latter is awarded for implementing quality initiatives that distinguish themselves with programs and projects aimed at the integration of people with disabilities.

Vito Minoia (director of Aenigma, expert in Educational theater at the Carlo Bo University of Urbino) received the award together with the representatives of other inclusive initiatives taking place in Italy, Kosovo, Ukraine, El Salvador, Spain. The motivation:

«Aenigma University theater boasts more than 25 years of inclusive educational theater activity; it distinguished itself also on an international level for its numerous initiatives aimed at the social integration of people with disabilities. It promoted meaningful interpersonal experiences between students with and without disabilities and, focusing on individual diversity on stage, it has made the profound pedagogical and inclusive meaning of theater a reality».

ENGLISH - The organization of the event initially scheduled from 25 to 29 August 2020 in Manila is officially postponed. The dramatic health emergency we are experiencing, which has now spread worldwide has already led several states to take restrictive measures on international mobility as a precaution. The choice of postponement is inevitable and comes to protect the health of all the people who would participate.

FRANÇAIS - L'organisation de l'événement initialement prévu du 25 au 29 août 2020 à Manille est officiellement reporté. L'urgence sanitaire dramatique que nous vivons, qui s'est maintenant propagée dans le monde entier, a déjà conduit plusieurs États à prendre des mesures restrictives sur la mobilité internationale par mesure de précaution. Le choix du report est inévitable et vient protéger la santé de toutes les personnes qui y participeraient.

ESPAÑOL - La organización del evento inicialmente programada del 25 al 29 de agosto de 2020 en Manila se pospone oficialmente. La dramática emergencia de salud que estamos experimentando, que ahora se ha extendido por todo el mundo, ya ha llevado a varios estados a tomar medidas restrictivas sobre la movilidad internacional como medida de precaución. La elección del aplazamiento es inevitable y viene a proteger la salud de todas las personas que participarían.

Vito Minoia

AITU-IUTA President

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